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Join EdComm!

UPDATE: Applications for EdComm have closed. We endeavour to get back to everyone who applied by February 2024. We’re a small team at Voiceworks and we appreciate your patience!

Voiceworks is looking for new members (aged 24 and under) to join our volunteer editorial committee. We’re after people who are familiar with Voiceworks and have a passion for developing talent in young writers. We are looking for editors of fiction, nonfiction and poetry for the print mag, as well as online editors. Interstate applications are welcome, and we strongly encourage applicants who are not/have not been enrolled in an editing or publishing degree. We particularly encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of colour, people with a disability, and people who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.

About Express Media and Voiceworks
Voiceworks is a national literary journal featuring new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, comics and art by Australians under the age of 25. Voiceworks is written, edited and produced entirely by young people, and prides itself on providing writers with feedback on their work, whether it is published or not.
Voiceworks is published by Express Media, a national not-for-profit organisation that provides support and development opportunities for young writers.

Key Responsibilities

  • Read submissions and provide feedback to writers

  • Participate in the selection of material for publication

  • Edit material under the direction of the Voiceworks editor and in collaboration with other Edcomm members

  • Contribute to the artistic direction of Voiceworks, including ideas on themes, events, content, design and special issues

  • Attend and assist in running launches and other events, such as events at the Emerging Writers’ Festival, National Young Writers’ Festival, etc.

  • Attend weekly meetings and quarterly proofreading sessions


  • The position requires attendance of one 2-hour meeting per week (currently Monday 6-8pm, held in person with those who need it calling in via Google Meets). Additional submission reading, editing and feedback writing to be done from home or in the Express Media office during peak times.

  • The position is voluntary and may fit with the internship project requirements of editing, publishing, journalism or writing students. As a voluntary role, committee members are always free to take on lightened loads or to take issues off when paid, study or personal commitments require it.

  • Editorial committee members report to the Voiceworks editor.

  • Editorial committee members are covered by the appropriate insurance while working at the Express Media office, located in The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne.

  • Editorial committee members are required to obtain a volunteer Working With Children Check.

  • Editorial committee members receive regular professional development sessions and occasional paid writing opportunities.

Selection Criteria

  • A sound understanding of and passion for Voiceworks as a publication, and as a development opportunity for young writers

  • A love of literature and an understanding of or demonstrable curiosity about the author/editor relationship

  • A demonstrable commitment to a career related to editing, publishing and writing and/or (for online) related to digital media, coding etc.

  • Excellent communications skills, both oral and written, and proficiency in word processing, email and internet applications

  • The ability to respond to direction, and work both independently and as part of a team

  • (Online only) A knowledge of and passion for platform-specific digital literary work (including but not limited to interactive fiction, animated comics, hypertext writing, and work that experiments with integrating coding and writing), and a desire to support young writers working in these mediums

  • (Online only) Relevant skills such as coding and animation are desired but not a requirement

How to apply
Your application must include: 

  • Your cover letter

  • A separate statement addressing each of the selection criteria (2-page maximum)

  • Your current CV (including date of birth and 3 references)

  • Combine them all in one document (word or PDF) saved as your last name.

For further information please email Voiceworks editor Silas Moir at

Applications close at 11:59pm AEDT on Wednesday 19 April.